Vita launches new platform

Started as a pan-university research task force to study the correlation of undergraduate students' life projections towards success in their careers. We've evolved to analyse the evolving talent landscape and worked with recruiters to develop an incredibly powerful system that solves the biggest issue in Talent Acquisition, right from the top of the funnel.

The Problem with Talent Acquisition Funnel

The talent war has put significant strain on talent acquisition. After software developers, recruiters have now tailgated to be the most sought-after talent in the market. This is a clear indication that hiring has never been more difficult. Attracting the right talent at the right time can make or break your hiring strategy.

With time being a critical key to your hiring success, powerful processes and tools are needed.

The Hiring Accelerator

  1. The right data view - One portal to source them all

Your talent is flowing from many different channels. Job boards, Linkedin, ATS, CRM, HRIS, referral and it gets even more chaotic if you love the idea of sharing your talent pool between your sibling companies. We are introducing your very own flex tape for your leaky bucket

2. The right search function - Boolean search, really?

Aggregating everything into one single source is great, but the amount of workload stays the same. That's where you need an intelligent search. The best tool we've known so far is the advanced boolean search, invented by computer scientist George Boole in the 19th century. If you have used this search, we all can agree that talent search needs something more than keyword matching. Search should be intuitive, recruiters should be able to type in "2 years of fast growth e-commerce experience", rather than typing in "Lazada OR Shopee OR Zalora OR Shein OR ..."

3. The right report

Hiring managers and recruiters have almost never been in the same channel. Synchronise talent recommendations through the report we have fine-tuned from 1000+ interviews with recruiters and hiring managers.

4. The right cycle

We've studied millions of profiles and over a billion job movements. With our founder's data science background and support from the best in industry, we developed a model to help you close that feedback loop.

Why us?

We've tapped into the recruiting experience of our founders, who've spent years in agencies, our incredible community of recruiters, and close partners with over 82+ years of recruitment experience to ensure every aspect of the system is as recruiter friendly as possible. Built-up right from the ground, we had the unfair advantage of identifying the problems with HRTech in this space and ensuring usability was something we focused on after we perfected the engine.

Check us out at and get in touch!